Are you taking hormones for birth control, hormone replacement therapy or fertility? Taking hormones can be helpful for many health conditions short and long term. However, supplementing with hormones can also put an extra burden on the body. Certain nutrients may become deficient or depleted over time. For example, if you are taking hormones for hormone replacement therapy (HRT) during peri-menopause or menopause, you may become depleted in vitamins B6 and B12, folic acid, and magnesium. Thus, by supporting your body with certain nutrients, you can avoid unintentional health issues by supplementing with the right nutrients during hormone use and making sure you are supporting hormone metabolism in general.

Hormone Balance & Protect is a nutritional and herbal formula critical to supporting healthy and safe metabolism of endogenous hormones as well as hormonal therapies.
• Protects and helps maintain balance, bioavailability and safety of naturally produced hormones as well as prescribed hormonal therapies.
• Promotes hormone balance by enhancing bioavailability of hormone action on diverse cells.
• Supports overall balanced and hormonal health including receptor functionality, optimal duration of signaling time and nutrient support for transcriptional co-factors to get critical hormone signals into cell’s genes.
Read more about Hormone Balance & Protect HERE
Order Hormone Balance and Protect HERE – enter VIP20 at checkout for 20% off your order

Receptor Detox support for hormone receptor functionality to help foster healthy hormone signaling. This product is recommended daily for optimal receptor functioning for both females and males, and highly recommended for mature people on hormone replacement.
Receptor Detox to provide the most critical nutrients designed to help improve receptor functionality, restoring the tightly controlled regulation of endocrine activity disrupted by the modern environment.
Receptor Detox supplies key nutrients which:
- Allow hormones to bind effectively and appropriately to their associated receptors.
- Clear competitive inhibitors of receptors in a safe and continuous manner.
- Optimize receptor functionality, allowing hormones to safely and effectively deliver their signals and overcome resistance. Read more about Receptor Detox HERE
Order Receptor Detox HERE – enter VIP20 at checkout for 20% off your order

Customized Programs include customized nutrients and herb programs designed specifically for you. Click HERE to schedule.
You’re not stuck with the health you have!
The views and nutritional/herbal advice expressed by Tansy Briggs, DACM, L.OM is not intended to be a substitute for conventional medical service. Purchasing a product, program or wellness coaching does not establish a practitioner patient relationship with Tansy Briggs, DACM, L.OM. If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem, promptly contact your health care provider. We suggest that you continue to work with qualified medical professionals as you engage in our material, products and services. No information offered here should be interpreted as a diagnosis of any disease, nor an attempt to treat or prevent or cure any disease or condition. Information and statements regarding products and/or services made available by Tansy Briggs, DACM, L.OM have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Tansy Briggs, DACM. L.OM or Integrative Health Link products and services are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.